MapLesotho Edits January – 11th October
Dublin Transport map creator. Mapper. Open Data guy. Busting into the spatial planning & GIS world one step at a time.
We’ve come along way with #MapLesotho so far this year, where recently we achieved 52% of our rural mapping task complete.
Now maybe is a time to look back at the massive amount of edits made by everyone involved.Over 80 individual mappers have contributed to the map so far. Thank you! There are now over **1.7 million nodes **in Lesotho, where there were only 500,000 in July 2014.
Below is an animation showing the diff’s (the changes made to the OSM database) from January to 11th October 2014.
Spread the word we’re only counting down to completing the first pass of the Open Street Map basemap for Lesotho now, 48% to go! Give us a hand by taking a tile on our HOT OSM Rural Task.
"MapLesotho Edits January – 11th October"